
Tunnel Setup 

The Tunnel feature of Tines provides a method to access your systems running on private networks from the Tines cloud environment, securely. Tunnel is deployed as a container service. Tunnel is available to paid pricing plans.

To enable the Tunnel feature, contact Tines support. Once enabled, visit https://<tenant-domain>/admin/tunnel to obtain the information needed for deploying the container.

Deploying Tunnel 

The Tunnel container can be run with Docker using the example below or similarly with other container orchestration platforms.

docker run \
  --env TINES_TUNNEL_SECRET="secret" \

The Tunnel service will utilize the routing and DNS services of the host it is deployed on.

Using Tunnel 

HTTP Requests can be sent through the Tunnel by utilizing the "Use tunnel" parameter in the configuration of a HTTP Request Action.

Connectivity Requirements 

Tunnel uses Cloudflare Tunnels and requires connectivity to Cloudflare to function properly.

Diagram of Tines Tunnel (docker container) and how it interacts between your systems.

An overview of how the tunnel interacts with your network.

No inbound connectivity to the container is required by Tines from the internet or elsewhere. The container will attempt to form a connection with the services below from its deployment location.

If utilizing strict TLS/SSL inspection, exclude the above HTTPS traffic from the interception policy. Additionally, outbound traffic to cftunnel.com needs to be excluded.

For more information, see Cloudflare's documentation here.

Tunnel Permissions 

Admins can restrict which team(s) can use a tunnel from the link https://<tenant-domain>/admin/tunnel. The default for all existing and new tunnels is that any team can access them until an admin chooses otherwise.

To configure team access select the tunnel from the list after navigating to /admin/tunnel.

Select the teams which you would like to have access to the tunnel and click save.

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